Kirkland, Bailey, J. Hochard, Wai Yan Siu, and David Finnoff. "Welfare and Distribution in State-Led Wildlife Management." Environmental and Resource Economics 88, no. 1 (2025): 1-42.


Chang, Charlotte H., James T. Erbaugh, Paola Fajardo, Luci Lu, István Molnár, Dávid Papp, Brian E. Robinson et al. "Global evidence of human well-being and biodiversity impacts of natural climate solutions." Nature Sustainability (2024): 1-11.

Carr, Grace, Nate Brown, Kayla Clark, Chris McBarnes, Taylor Phillips, Tyler Shreve, Inna Willis, and J. Hochard. "Emerging Approaches to Conservation Fundraising and the Case of “WYldlife for Tomorrow”." From Local to Global: Eco-entrepreneurship and Global Engagement with the Environment 30 (2024): 39-49.

Drewry, K., C. Nathan-Jones, W. Hayes, R. Edward Beighley, Q. Wang, J. Hochard, W. Mize, J. Fowlkes, C. Goforth and K.J. Pieper. "Using Inundation Extents to Predict Microbial Contamination in Private Wells after Flooding Events" Environmental Science & Technology (2024) 5220-5228.

Etheridge, R., J. Pascual‐Gonzalez, J. Hochard, A. Peralta, and T.J. Vogel. "Predicting nitrate exposure from groundwater wells using machine learning and meteorological conditionsJAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association (2024) 1-13.



Ferraro, Paul J., Todd L. Cherry, Jason F. Shogren, Christian A. Vossler, Timothy N. Cason, Hilary Byerly Flint, J. Hochard et al. "Create a culture of experiments in environmental programs." Science 381, no. 6659 (2023): 735-737.

Hochard, J.
, Nino Abashidze, Ranjit Bawa, Randall Etheridge, Yuanhao Li, Ariane Peralta, Charles Sims, and Tom Vogel. "Air temperature spikes increase bacteria presence in drinking water wells downstream of hog lagoons." Science of The Total Environment (2023): 161426.

Hochard, J., Nino Abashidze, Ranjit Bawa, Grace Carr, Bailey Kirkland, Yuanhao Li, Kayla Matlock, and Wai Yan Siu. "Predicting groundwater contamination to protect the storm-exposed vulnerable." Climate Risk Management 40 (2023): 100499.


Hochard, J., Yuanhao Li, and Nino Abashidze. "Associations of hurricane exposure and forecasting with impaired birth outcomes." Nature Communications 13, no. 1 (2022): 1-10.

Hochard, J. "Investing wisely in land restoration." Nature Sustainability 5, no. 1 (2022): 3-4.

Hochard, J., E. Barbier, E., & S. Hamilton. Mangroves and coastal topography create economic “safe havens” from tropical storms. Scientific Reports, 11, no. 1 (2021): 1-8.

Shogren, J., J. Hochard, K. Lee, and L. Henderson. "Experimental mindset for environmental challenges: the puzzling case of public good contributions." European Review of Agricultural Economics 48, no. 4 (2021): 785-804.

Howard, G., J. Whitehead and J. Hochard. “Estimating discount rates using referendum-style choice experiments: An analysis of multiple methodologies”. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 105, 102399.


Sims, C., D. Aadland, D. Finnoff and J. Hochard. “What are the benefits of delisting endangered species and who receives them?: Lessons from the gray wolf recovery in Greater Yellowstone”. Ecological Economics 174, 106656.



Barbier, E. and J. Hochard. “Poverty-Environment Traps”. Environmental and Resource Economics 74, 1239-1271.

Hochard, J., S. Hamilton and E. Barbier. “Mangroves shelter economic activity from cyclones”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 ( 25) 12232-12237.

Kruse, J. and J. Hochard. Economics, Insurance and Flood Insurance”. Southern Economic Journal 85 (4) 1027-1031.


Barbier, E. and J. Hochard. “Land Degradation and Poverty”. Nature Sustainability. 1, 623-631.

Garg, T., S. Hamilton, J. Hochard, E. Kresch and J. Talbot. “(Not so) gently down the stream: River pollution and health in Indonesia”. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management (JEEM). 92, 35-53.

Barbier, E. and J. Hochard. “The Impacts of Climate Change on the Poor in Disadvantaged Regions. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (REEP) 12(1) 26-47.


Barbier, E. and J. Hochard. Poverty, Rural Population and Climate Change. Environment and Development Economics. 1-23.

Hochard, J., and E. Barbier. “Market accessibility and economic growth: Insights from a new dimension of inequality.” World Development 97: 279-297.

Hochard, J. and D. Finnoff. “Cross-Jurisdictional Management of a Trophy-Hunted Species. Journal of Theoretical Biology 420, 41-52.

Sims, C., D. Finnoff, A. Hastings, and J. Hochard. ”Listing and Delisting Thresholds under the Endangered Species Act.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99, no. 3: 549-570.

Hochard, J. and E. Plous-Kresch. “Remote Sensing Supports Economic Inference in Developing Countries”. Chapter 13 in Kruse, Crompvoets and Pearlman (eds). GEOValue: The Socioeconomic Value of Geospatial Information. Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, 2017.


Barbier, E., and J. Hochard. “Does Land Degradation Increase Poverty in Developing Countries?.” PLOS ONE 11(5).

Barbier, E., R. Lopez, and J. Hochard. “Debt, poverty and resource management in a rural smallholder economy.” Environmental and Resource Economics 63(2).

Barbier, E. and J. Hochard. “Development, Ecology and the Environment” Chapter 33 in J. Ghosh, R. Kattel and R. Reinert (eds). Elgar Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2016.

Hochard, J. and D. Finnoff. “Gray wolf population projection with intraspecific competition”. Natural Resource Modeling 27(3), 360-375.